Website design service

service de Website design

Create the website that suits you!

Dalcom SEO has professional webmasters with many years of experience in web design. They will design for you or your company, elegant, efficient and dynamic websites.

Our expertise


Nowadays, every entrepreneur needs to create a website. But for it to be profitable, it must be truly representative of the company. It must be designed in a unique way, taking into account the specific objectives of the company. And that's what Dalcom SEO offers. Whatever type of site you need - showcase, corporate, community - our developers will design it for you in a professional manner.

Natural referencing

For a website to bring new customers to a company, it must appear in the search results. To do this, it must respect certain SEO rules. At Dalcom SEO, we develop our sites according to these rules. But also, for existing sites, our experts conduct audits to identify any SEO flaws. They can then correct them in order to improve the ranking of these sites on search engines.

E-commerce website

Compared to a showcase or corporate site, an e-commerce site must integrate many features that are essential to online sales: shopping tunnel, customer service, online merchandising issues, etc. At Dalcom SEO, our experts rigorously study your project to offer you the e-commerce solution that best suits your needs. This way, you are sure to have a profitable site, optimized specifically for your business.

Website redesign

A website is supposed to bring in new customers. If this is not the case, it may be due to a bad strategy or a bad design of the website itself. This is what we propose to check for you. After analysing your site, Dalcom SEO's experts will be able to determine whether or not a redesign is necessary. In any case, they will offer you the best solutions to really increase your reputation and your turnover.




An initial interview to get to know your project and discuss its parameters.


Agency's response

We will present you with a first model with an estimate, and we will take your feedback.


Validation of the model.

You validate the final model and we start developing according to an agreed schedule.


Delivery and Training

We develop your website, put it online and train you to manage it.

Let's talk